Your tomorrow starts today!

Did you ever wish you knew then what you know now? Or, that someone had shown this a long time ago?

With over 24 years of experience in health, personal development education and sports coaching, plus another 16 years in the health and fitness industry Kellie has developed an unshakable knowing that what you see on the outside isn't always what's going on on the inside.

She evolved her skills to reflect the needs of women through their tweens, teens and beyond . She understands and leads by example the inherent need to live authentically, be true to your morals and values and care for ourselves holistically.

The need for our kids to have positive role models is ever-present and the fact that "young people don't always hear what we say, but they do see what we do", is an integral factor in helping them develop positive health habits. Throughout her career, Kellie experienced the need for young people to see their parents or significant others role model the behaviours that contribute to long-term healthy lifestyles.

Kellie works with the philosophy that when we see the Big Picture and embrace the interplay between physical mental, social and emotional dimensions of health, women can find balance and achieve their bold authentic goals. Kellie has built this philosophy around her own health experiences and the experiences of the people she has coached and trained. She has expertise in educating tweens and teens and has developed her programs after identifying the deficit that exists in the school curriculum and modern living.

The URISE concept is Kellie's unique blueprint for wellbeing and is build into every program. Whether is a 6-week program for busy women to help them become positive healthy role models, an 8-10 week school based wellbeing program, or a workshop or retreat day the URISE concepts underpin every facet .

The "Young Women Rising" program for tween and teen girls has been successfully implemented and appreciated in the community and school environments. Kellie felt compelled to create this program to add a more personal layer to the personal development young women experience in schools where the restrictions of time and curriculum mean some of the most valuable tools she has ever learned were left unshared. This program invites participants to explore their core values and beliefs, their dreams and goals for the future, and empowers them to live in alignment with the authentic self. The program provides real time skills and strategies and builds their mindset and confidence to start consistently moving towards long term wellbeing .

The "Girls CAN Play" program was born from the need to provide girls ( tweens and teens) an opportunity to learn and play basketball together without the pressure of having boys in the space. There was a gap for this age bracket to learn and develop skills in our area so the program began as first a skills development session. As it progressed it became very clear that this program was evolving to suit the needs of the girls and a wellbeing focus organically became part of "what we do". The girls appreciate the opportunity to be active, be together, and to learn from real life role models in a fun and safe environment. This program has been delivered as an 8-10 week program , and in one day camps.

The "Women Rising" workshops and retreats are a new addition and provide an opportunity for busy women like you and I to take time out for health and wellbeing, create a supportive community of women who are living out loud a perfectly imperfect life and role modeling what it is to be a woman to our girls.

Kellie has had her share of health hurdles and her experiences with disordered eating, overtraining, sports injury, hormonal imbalance and reproductive health issues, spondylolysis eventually leading to back surgery, and post viral fatigue syndrome and burnout took her to her rock bottom. Her journey to redefine her own health has led to her understanding of the demands and the needs we have and how we must look at our health and wellbeing in the Big Picture framework.

Kellie also believes in benefits of biohacking your way towards better health and through personal experience has lived the benefits of Cellular activation. Over time our cells slow down and give way to inflammation, ageing, and reduced capacity to repair and rejuvenate. Coupled with a balanced lifestyle that includes daily physical activity, eating for good gut health, making time for mindful practice, and life long learning, cellular activation is a natural way we can break this cycle.

Kellie helps people of all ages find their balance and inner strength teaching PILATES PLUS+ and delivering her workshops and programs online and in person.